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Reusing the Nature’s Finest packaging

In today’s world, we are paying more and more attention to recycling, reducing environmental pollution and reusing products, which leads to significant progress in the field of sustainable development. However, with our habit of shopping online and the constant single use of packaging in stores, we are still flooded with a sea of ​​packaging that often ends up in landfills.

The consequences are reflected in the ecological, plastic and climate crisis that the world is experiencing today.

Environmental pollution is a problem of global proportions today. One of the main problems of the environment is the waste that man produces with his existence. To this day, the consumer mentality has evolved in the direction that we prefer to head to the store to buy a new product and the goods we need, rather than repair and reuse old products. Due to countless choices and low prices, we people have started to accumulate more and more things. We are caught in a vicious circle of consumption and exchange of products.

Ponovna uporaba Nature's Finest embalaže

What can we, as entrepreneurs, as innovators, and consumers, do about this?

With small life habits changes and changes in thinking, each of us can become a responsible consumer and thus ensure that we eradicate the “use-discard” mentality of consumption and allow to not discard the things that we no longer need, but reuse them and provide an opportunity for new life.

Waste prevention can be achieved through avoidance, reduction at source and reuse of products. Reuse and recycling is a key step in preventing the linear life cycle of waste, ie only the consumption and utilization of primary resources.


We are aware that every individual can contribute to a healthy and clean planet, which is why we are also committed to ecological management within Nutrisslim.

We have taken care of a healthy planet from the very beginning.

As a way to support a healthy planet, we have been long-term partners of the largest environmental network in Europe – Friends of the Earth. Together we help solve environmental and social problems, and thus contribute to a better world!

At Nutrisslim, we promote environmental awareness and product reuse. The employees of our company strive to diligently recycle waste and make good use of already used products, as we are aware that we produce a lot of packaging.

Environmentally friendly

However, our concern for the environment does not end with ingredients. When choosing the packaging, we constantly push the boundaries of what is possible and ensure the most favourable and sustainable way of working. All our products are packaged in our ecologically certified production in Slovenia, in accordance with HACCP standards.

We always ensure that our products meet the highest standards of quality, safety and traceability.


Because our products are made from quality and organic raw materials of natural origin, we try to pack them in environmentally friendly packaging.


Nature’s Finest products are sent to you in cardboard packaging, which is an environmentally friendly material and biodegradable. The boxes can be painted or decorated and reused to store a variety of food items in the pantry, seasonal clothing, trinkets and toys. If you put a blanket or pillow in the box, it can also become a comfortable bed for a pet.


Most products are shipped in round containers in the shape of a case with a lid. The packaging is made of paper, adhesive coating and aluminium.

In our company, we strive to produce packaging that does not need to be discarded and can be used by our customers.


Nature’s Finest wants to bring the possibility of reusing packaging closer to all customers, so we are working on a solution that steers us to a cleaner future. We have picked quite a few useful suggestions – fun and practical, how to creatively use the packaging of our products in your home.


You can cover the round packaging with a lid with decorative paper of your choice, and paint with colours of your liking. You can add any stickers or patterns.

  • In the bathroom, you can use the reused box to store cotton pads, as a stand for toothbrushes, makeup, and makeup brushes.
  • In the kitchen, boxes can be used to store cereal, spices, sugar, flour or anything else that we would like to store in practical and neat packaging.
  • The box can be used as a pot for children’s crayons and pens, or as a storage for keys and small items.
  • A beautifully painted box can serve as an ornament and decoration in your home with the addition of dried and artificial ornamental flowers.
  • Reused boxes can be used in gardening instead of pots, for sowing herbs and other plants, germination or collecting seeds.
  • Remove the lid from empty packaging and fill it with stones or other heavier objects. You can do a variety of weight exercises.

We will continue to pay a lot of attention to the packaging of products in environmentally friendly packaging, as we are aware that as a company we have a great contribution and impact on reducing the environmental pollution. We also urge you, our customers, to handle packaging waste wisely and usefully.

Let’s respect nature and keep the planet healthy for future generations.

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  • Visokokakovostna vrečka iz bombaža
  • 100% naravni material
  • Za večkratno uporabo
  • Pomagaj pri zmanjšanju uporabe plastičnih vrečk 🙂
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