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Avoid a poor diet despite the lack of time

Are you constantly wondering what you have to do so you’ll start eating healthy, but you don’t have enough time and energy to cook so you opt for bad quality food?

Sudden, radical changes in your eating habits such as only eating vegetable soups can lead to short-term weight loss. But radical changes are neither a good nor a healthy idea and won’t work in the long run. Continuous improvements in eating habits require a thoughtful approach for us to change and grow.


The first real answer is to start simple.

If I follow the below-mentioned tips for healthy eating, will I be worried about meal planning, big grocery shopping trips and preparing and storing all kinds of foods? No. If your biggest problem is time and energy, you simply have to focus on some little changes, healthy habits, lights snacks, meals and sides.

We listed some obstacles many of us face. You will definitely find yourself in at least one of the reasons on the list of why you are not able to eat healthy on the daily:

  • Are you too busy in the morning (for breakfast) or in the evening (for dinner)?
  • Do you lack time for meal planning and big shopping trips?
  • Do you have a family who you cook for but everyone is too picky?
  • Do you find it to exhausting to learn how to eat unprocessed healthy foods?
  • Do you have to eat outside when you are at work?
  • Are you not planning your healthy meals in advance?
  • Do you prioritize other things and therefore don’t take time to eat healthily?
  • Is cooking and coming up with new recipes to demanding?

The list goes on and on, but you get an idea that will lead you to change. How are we going to get rid of these reasons? We won’t – at least not right away. We will start with easier steps that require less time and energy.

No meal planning and extensive grocery shopping, no new complicated recipes or cooking techniques, but you will still be able to eat something quick and convenient.


Sounds good? The truth is that not all of these problems can be solved right away and if we let them stand in our way, we will never learn to eat healthier. Star small, just a few easy and convenient healthy eating habits. Once we understand these small changes well, we will be able to gradually tackle the bigger problems.


Small steps for big changes:
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Drink more ta (any tea without sugar – tip: DETOX tea), than juice
  • Snack on vegetable (add hummus dip) – carrots, broccoli florets, cauliflower
  • Snack on fresh or dried fruit and raw nuts
  • Make fruit and vegetable sides to your meals
  • Add nuts, berries or flaxseed to your regular breakfast (cereal or oats)

Due to improper diet, we often deal with attacks of hunger between meals, which make us want a quick but often unhealthy snack. When that happens, reach for protein snacks that don’t cause harsh blood sugar fluctuations, and make us full for longer.

We have come up with 10 simple recipes that only take a few minutes:

Start with small steps, such as a healthy snack in the afternoon or evening. Once you get used to it, it will become your new routine. Today, you can start with a small step, such as adding fruit and nuts to breakfast, which eventually becomes your new habit. Do the same tomorrow for lunch – add more vegetables to it and you will gain healthy habits that, believe me, you will not be able to give up later. Gradually learn simple recipes and add ingredients to your shopping list. Make it as simple as possible so it doesn’t get too difficult for you.

One step at a time and soon you will be making a bunch of small changes to your daily healthy diet. You certainly won’t do everything in a day. It is important to focus on the small change that you will work on again tomorrow. That’s all you need to think about. Soon all this will be a part of your everyday life. Adding habits will lead you to the desired goal.

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