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Formula that strengthens the brain

Do you often find that your memory leaves you during the busiest days, especially when learning? Does concentration make you problems, even though you know exams are around the corner? Do you have troubles following the lectures, even though the topics are interesting? Do you find it difficult to concentrate at the afternoon foreign language course?


It may sound impossible, but brain performance is greatly affected by diet. Even our grandmothers tell us that 10 walnuts a day support the brain. A balanced diet, rich in all the important nutrients, is the key to better memory and greater productivity. Therefore, it is important to take care of a healthy diet, especially during times of increased mental effort, such as the exam period.

In nature, we also find certain herbs that have been shown to be beneficial for the functioning of the brain. A combination of herbs is recommended for the best effect. Among the plants that nature offers us for this purpose are, for example, ginkgo biloba, brahmi and rose root.

We have combined all three miracle herbs in the Brain food supermix, which will help you get through the difficult exam periods…

Check them out:


Brahmi acts as a memory enhancer and improves concentration. In Ayurvedic medicine, it has been used for centuries for faster learning, improved concentration and memory. It improves cognitive functions and blood flow to the brain and thus affects the problems associated with reduced blood flow (memory and concentration). Brahmi is a powerful antioxidant that protects us from free radicals that can cause damage to cells in the brain.


Rose root is an adaptogenic herb that protects the body from stress, has a remarkable effect on memory, learning and work performance. It improves cognitive functions, making it very popular among students.


Ginkgo biloba improves cognitive functions, which become more and more impaired over the years. With the years we can experience poorer concentration and memory, more frequent confusion, forgetfulness and decreased attention. Ginkgo biloba improves blood circulation and supplies the brain with oxygen and glucose. Brain circulatory disorders manifest themselves primarily as a decline in memory and intellectual abilities.


Stir 5-10 g per day (1-2 tsp.) in your favourite drink.

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