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Green tea – healthy drink for every day

Are you a tea lover?

Every part of the world has its own specific tea blend that has a distinctive taste and a range of benefits. Among them, the most common is the green tea.
They say that Japanese Matcha green tea is one of the most beneficial and with highest quality. Even Buddhist monks drink it after long meditation to improve concentration.

Although you can buy it in a café, we have prepared a homemade recipe for you, so now you can prepare a fresh and healthier cup of Matcha green tea latte.

What do you need?

  • 1½ tsp. of Matcha powder
  • 1 spoon of hot water (not boiling)
  • 250 ml (plant-based) milk
  • Sieve
  • Pan
  • Whisk
  • 1 tbs. of sugar of your choice (brown, coconut sugar…)


  • Sift the Matcha powder through a sieve into a cup. Make sure the powder does not form lumps.
  • Add hot water and stir quickly with a whisk until the mixture is smooth and foamy, without lumps.
  • Heat the milk and sugar together in a pan until you see bubbles.
  • Add the milk.
  • Sprinkle a pinch of Matcha powder on top.
  • Enjoy!

Matcha Chai replaces coffee and makes us feel more energetic, making it a great choice for a healthy awakening and a good start to the day. Because of its effect on concentration and memory, it also increases productivity at work or school.

  • Matcha are dried and ground green tea leaves, and it is the strongest and highest quality form of green tea. It is a rich source of polyphenols and vitamin C.
  • Cinnamon is a spice with an intoxicating aroma and many benefits to our health. It supports the immune system and digestion, contributes to vitality and energy, and helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • Ginger is a spice that used in cooking and medicine, since it acts as a powerful antioxidant and supports our immune system.
  • Carob is a 100% natural caramel-like sweetener, also suitable for diabetics.

Matcha Chai latte

  • Awakens the body
  • Long-lasting energy without a subsequent drop
  • Supplies the body with important antioxidants
  • Helps better digestion
  • Without added sugars, amazing flavour
125g | for 14 days
Regular price: £13.78
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