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How to eat healthy?

Eating healthy is easier than you think. Each week, you can improve your eating habits by taking small steps.

Six tips how to eat healthier

Small changes in diet can make a big difference in health and well-being. Try to stick to the goals and you will, without doubt, notice the results!

Eat fruits and vegetables

Choose a variety of vegetables – red, orange, dark green (eg tomatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli). The more colourful your plate is, the more likely you will get all the necessary vitamins, minerals and fibres that your body needs..

Choose whole grains

Instead of processed foods made from refined grains, choose unprocessed foods such as whole grain bread, wild rice, whole grain rice, basmati rice, bulgur, oat flakes, quinoa, whole grain cereals, whole grain pasta and so on.

Replace cow’s milk with plant-based alternatives

If you want to take care of your health, one of the ways is to remove milk from your diet and replace it with much healthier plant-based drinks..

Choose food that does not contain preservatives

Choose foods that contain as less additives as possible. Avoid pre-prepared meals, frozen meals, soup from a bag, etc.

Drink plenty of water

Replace sweet drinks for water – this will greatly reduce your calorie and sugar intake. Energy and sports drinks contain a lot of sugar and calories. Try adding a slice of lemon, lime or any fruit to the water to spice up your drink.

Avoid white sugar

Try to skip cookies, cakes and ice cream. You can prepare fresh desserts with healthier sugars (eg coconut sugar, Yacon, lucuma), homemade natural ice cream or raw cookies from nuts and cocoa.

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