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Raw Valentine hearts

Ingredients for the heart cookies:

• 1/2 cup of almonds
• 1/2 cup of walnuts (or pumpkin seeds or other nuts of your choice)
• 2 TBS. of raw cocoa
• 2 TBS. of carob flour
• 1/4 tsp. of stevia and one teaspoon of water or 2-4 tsp. of agave syrup
• tsp. of vanilla extract
Himalayan salt


• 1 banana
• 1/2 cup of raspberries
• 4-5 TBS. of coconut oil


Grind the almonds and the other nuts of your choice in the food processor, then add the other ingredients, and add the sweetener at the very end. The cookie dough ingredients should bind together well and should not be too wet. Roll out the dough to about 3 mm thick and form hearts with heart-shaped models. These hearts are a little more brittle than regular cookies. You should get at least 12 hearts, which are then placed in the cold.

For the raspberry filling, mix all the ingredients in a blender until you get a creamy mass. Pour the mass onto a tray and spread to 0.5 cm thick. Place in the freezer. When the mass hardens, form hearts with the same heart-shaped models. Then prepare the hearts: two heart cookies and a pink heart (filling) in between.

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