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Why is sleep so important?

Sleep is essential for maintaining normal bodily functions, both physical and mental, as well as emotional. When sleep disorders begin, they can very quickly turn into a vicious circle that feeds depression and impairs health. Most people occasionally have trouble sleeping due to stress, hectic schedules, and other external influences. However, when these issues start to occur regularly and interfere with daily life, they may indicate a sleep disorder.

Depending on the type of sleep disorder, people may find it difficult to fall asleep and feel extremely tired during the day. Lack of sleep can negatively affect energy levels, mood, concentration and overall health. It is important to receive a diagnosis and treatment as soon as we suspect we have a problem. If left untreated, the negative effects of sleep disorders can lead to further consequences and poorer health. They can also affect our performance at work, put a strain on relationships, and impair our ability to perform daily activities.

Sleep disorder symptoms

They vary according to the type of sleep disorder. Symptoms may be mild or severe and usually include: hypersomnia (excessive daytime sleepiness), insomnia (reduced sleep efficiency with waking up during the night), loud snoring or short pauses in breathing (short periods of apnea), need to move legs at night, drowsiness or nightmares.

Sleep hygiene

This refers to healthy routines, rituals and practices that regain and maintain a good night’s sleep. Even a few small habits can help us plan and make small, gradual changes that help improve sleep hygiene.

Here are some habits that can improve our sleep:

  • Consistency is key. Go to bed at the same time every night, even on the weekends. And wake up at the same time every morning too.
  • Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark and relaxing with pleasant temperatures.
  • Take all electronic devices out of the bedroom (TV, computer and smartphone).
  • Don’t eat big meals, drink caffeine or alcohol before you go to sleep.
  • Do a few exercises. If you are physically active during the day, you’ll sleep better through the night.

What to avoid

It’s important to mind some things we can avoid to ensure we get a good night sleep. Try to avoid:

  • Using smart phones and other devices late at night or in bed before falling asleep.
  • Not scheduling meals throughout the day or eating too much before bed.
  • Working through the night or before sleep.
  • Drinking too much before bed.
  • Not getting enough exercise and fresh air.
  • Not relaxing before bed.
  • Taking some medicine that disturbs sleep (if you are unsure about that, make sure to consult your doctor).
  • Having an inappropriate sleep environment – temperature, lighting, noise.
  • Sleeping too much throughout the day.

A sleep diary is a good way to keep track of sleep patterns

A sleep diary can help us document any problems in our daily habits that inhibit sleep or cause insomnia. The sleep diary may include the following elements: when we go to bed, when we fall asleep, when we wake up, how many times we wake up at night, when we drink caffeine or alcohol, when and what we eat and drink before going to bed, emotional challenges and / or stressors, and finally a list of medications.

How much sleep do I need?

Individuals’ sleep time needs vary, and sleep time varies between children and adults too.


In some adults, the amount of sleep can vary from about 5 to a maximum of 10 hours per night. However, many studies show that most normal adults need an average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.


It is generally accepted that the younger a person is, the more sleep they need. Teenagers need about nine hours of sleep, while babies need about 16 hours a night.

A natural solution for better sleep

People need sleep to maintain the proper functioning of the brain, memory, creativity, communication and, consequently, the proper functioning of the whole organism. Quality is more important than just the duration of sleep. In a natural way, this can be achieved with, among other things, Good night latte – a relaxing blend of cocoa, ashwagandha and maca.

Good night latte is a cocoa-flavoured drink with the soothing effect of ashwagandha, maca, spiced with cinnamon and added rice milk powder. The drink provides support for emotional balance and general well-being, helps the body adapt to stress, helps to facilitate relaxation before bedtime and maintains vitality.

  • Ashwagandha or a miracle plant from the Himalayas promotes calmness. It allows us to fall asleep peacefully in the evening, and in the morning it invigorates and strengthens us.
  • Maca is a root that supports performance, raises energy levels and increases fertility.
  • Cinnamon with its many health benefits supports the immune system and digestion, contributes to the vitality and helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

Good night latte 2+1 FREE

  • Helps maintain vitality
  • With the power of ashwagandha, which helps relax
  • Supports emotional balance
  • Helps in adapting the body to stress
  • Without artificial sweeteners or flavours
375g | for 42 days
Regular price: £33.74
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